The start of a new year is a great time to take stock of the past year. We remember 2022 with a significant increase in the number of users, a redesign of the application, improved search, likes and many other changes that you saw in the mobile application. We will tell you more about the changes in the application. Go!

Be the center of attention

We have done a lot of work so that your profile attracts the attention of users. On the search screen, user profiles are now displayed as cards with a large photo and information.

Wirum 2022

Along with this, the profile screen has received an updated design, and authorized users can now upload more photos that will be available for viewing in the profile.

Wirum 2022


In new versions of the application, it became possible to evaluate the user's profile. Do not spare likes for the people you like. Your likes are completely anonymous, but in future updates we will add the ability to view likes that are mutual.

Improved dialog screen design

To make communication more comfortable, we did not forget to work on the design of the dialog window - now the user's avatar is displayed in the application header, and the background of the message text has received a new color scheme.

This was our 2022. We are not going to stop at the achieved results, new updates and new opportunities are waiting for you - stay tuned. See you in 2023!